söndag 31 mars 2013

Mixed :)

Hey everybody!
We have been a bit busy and haven´t  have the time to blog, but what ever! We are back now. My dear bro is in NYC!!! So I am here alone... Well now easter almost over, hope you had a nice weekend :) I had my cousins over so there were on free minute over, if you know what I mean ;) My easter were nice and today it Went very well on my competition! I were really happy after :D Now I have  one week off school, so nice!! I am going to train so much, gaaa!!!!!!! have a huge competition next weekend!!!
I have put together a nice spring outfit:

- A light blue jeans shirt with either up covered arms or not.
- To that, black skinny jeans. They should be dark and not un skinny (it does not work with the outfit).
- Then I have chosen a purple high heels. Why purple? Purple fits to both blue and black and it makes the black colour fade out a little bit. It also shows your sexy legs in a good way ;)
- To add some accessories to the outfit. I chose silver because it goes good to all colours! Anything works, but plane silver or black fits the best :) I put some examples on the picture :)
Hope you liked my fashion advices and enjoyed the posed:) if you have any feed back I would like to here!
Have any opinions about what I should write about? Then tell us!!!

Xoxo Totally Epic :D

1 kommentar:

  1. Hello TotallyEpic! I really like your blog! Could you do an outfit for school? that would be cool. From a reader
